GIS solutions
The focus is on data with geographical reference. It connects space and time, leads from analysis directly to the future. Visualization becomes vision, description becomes setting the course. Knowing means gaining insight, anticipating improvement.
The best course of action based on geo-data
Geographic information systems (GIS) make it possible to record and manage material and geometric data in all their complex, logical and spatial interconnectedness. They often support decision-making in administrative and planning processes.
Recording and optimizing spatial business processes
Spatial data is collected, processed and evaluated for the purpose of optimizing business processes in nearly all areas of public administration and the economy. Optimizing transport routes, strategically meaningful planning of business locations, demand-oriented development of new (sales) regions in the industrial sector, visualization of cartographic data, simulation of environmental / traffic predictions in the public sector, or geo-data portals – the applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and the associated data are as numerous as they are varied.
Design and management of GIS solutions
CONET ISB GmbH stands for the integration of know-how and concrete technology of geographic information systems (GIS) into complex software applications and architectures.
Based on open source tools and commercial GIS products, we develop complex specialized systems, WebGIS portals, and geo-data infrastructures (GDI) for public administration. Our employees are (geo) computer scientists, natural scientists, and cartographers. They use open source technologies like Geoserver, Mapserver, OpenLayers, GeoExt, and Mapbender. Of the commercially available GIS solutions, we mainly use the ArcGIS- platform by ESRI and disy. We generally select PostgreSQL/PostGIS or Oracle (-Spatial) as a data base, and our preferred programming languages are Java, C#, and PHP. This clearly shows our independence of any manufacturer, as we adapt to our customers’ environments or select the right technology for the requirements at hand. Of course we are also familiar with the common GIS standards of the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) and INSPIRE (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe).
Your competent Partner for GIS solutions
With its high level of IT competence and years of specialist know-how, CONET ISB GmbH lays the groundwork for optimizing and modernizing spatial business processes in the private and public sectors.
Environment, agriculture, traffic infrastructure, water management – all of these topics have a spatial dimension. At CONET ISB GmbH, we unite them in one department.
With our technical GIS expertise, our software engineering know-how, and our experience in process modeling, we have been implementing:
- Tailor-made GIS applications
- GIS software for simulating and visualizing spatial data
- Data warehouse solutions for detailed analyses
- Portal applications for exchanging material and geographic data
- Complete geo-data infrastructures (GDI)
- Software tools for securing evidence for environmental questions in infrastructure projects
- Software with a proven, structured approach for timely implementation of the INSPIRE guideline
The results are GIS solutions that open sustainable perspectives. Paths that really take you forward.

Your contact
Laura Stöhr
Account Manager
Phone: +49 721 82800-228
Mobile: +49 160 90810703